A Comprehensive Security Solution Across Your Entire Campus

A True University One-Card​

Higher Security, Multi-Purpose, Instant ROI

Experience higher security, multi-purpose functionality, and instant ROI with our advanced system. Prevent credential sharing, render lost IDs useless, and eliminate unauthorized access to residence halls. Enroll effortlessly with customizable security levels. Biometric data resides securely on student cards, ensuring privacy and protection without a centralized database.

Learn more on how the University of Massachusetts – Boston is leveraging Sentry to improve security and gain a return on investment.

Common University Challenges

The Biometrically Secure
All-in-One University Card

Absolute proof of Student or Faculty identity for any physical or digital transaction.

Why Transition to an All-in-One Card?

Increase security and reduce complexity with a biometric credential that provides a converged security solution across your campus.​

Immediate Return on Investment

No More Shared ID Cards!

Only the biometrically authenticated user can present their card in the dining halls and parking garages, eliminating pass backs and fraud.

Absolute Proof of Identity

If the card is lost or stolen, no one else can use it. Biometric proof of identity prevents unauthorized access to dorms and other sensitive areas.

Privacy Driven

Eliminate the risks associated with biometric authentication by enrolling, storing, and matching the biometric data solely within the ID card itself.

Request a demo today!

Let us show you how to enhance your campus security